Saturday, 13 March 2010

Aberdeen jogger in leg cocking frenzy

Things not to do when you have a hangover:
1 - Take an adolescent puppy out who is obssessed with cocking his leg on every upright structure, manmade or otherwise.
2 - Pick up dog shit.
3 - Run.
So far today I have done all these things, and it's not even 11 o'clock yet.

It went like this: So we're into March, the nights are a little lighter and as I edge closer to the end of a working week the emails start flying in.
Fancy a pint after work?
The Globe after work?
Do you want to go sit outside The Globe after work?
Well it was hardly warm or sunny. But it was at least dry plus they have those giant heaters on stands. So we sat outside The Globe. All night. (Well until they shut the beer garden and we moved inside). So my quick drink after work turned into several hours. Oh and I had a kebab which is never a good idea(I can still taste it now - yuk). I didn't even get home in time to see Jonathon Ross which is my Friday night standard, although I was tucked up in bed by 1am.

This morning it is actually bright and sunny and I went out with the dog. He's 9 months old now and has reached that stage in his adolescence where he's sniffing every damn thing that moves. If he can't eat it, he generally tries to pee on it. This in itself is not a problem, but it makes jogging that bit trickier when you've got a fuzzy head and none of the wherewithal to avoid getting tangled around trees, benches, other people's dog leads etc.

Next - if you've got the slightest dodgy stomach, due to say, an ill-advised doner kebab at midnight the night before, picking up dog shit isn't the best idea. The waft of doggy innards is unavoidable and wretchworthy.

And last, the running part is trickier. You get a raging thirst on immediately and every step the blood is beating behind your eyeballs. All in all, it makes a faint, burgeoning hangover turn into a full-blown death-destroyer.

Actually I exaggerated that last part as I've had a shower now and a pint of coke zero and I actually feel, dare I say it, o-kay.


As for the running, my dodgy knees that have been bothering me are hurting less. I think it's because I'm picking my legs up more when I run now - maybe even crossing from jogging territory into actual running. Next session I'm up to running in five minute intervals. Am I really ever going to manage to run for an hour?

Hair of the dog anyone?

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